
Monday, March 19, 2012


Being a designer has its challenges like anything else in the world today...especially if you're just beginning! There's a number of things that may cross your mind. Are you certain that your design is "correct"? Even if it is, is it on the right path? How is it in comparison to other peoples' work? Is it original enough? Creativity may be interrupted by insecurities. Confidence starts to wither away and designer's may pull back rather than taking risks that could turn into amazing pieces.

As a designer using any media, especially a beginner, you do not want to fall into this trap! Below are insightful tips of inspiration to provide knowledge on how to succeed, not fail in the design world.

1. Become Comfortable with Yourself and Your Work

     - Once you've required minimal knowledge, apply it.  For example, if your interest is logo design, practice often and market attributes. Don't hold back and don't be to overly proud or confident with yourself. If you have the skills and believe in yourself, spread your name. By doing this, it will not only market yourself, but you will get feedback. Like a critique in class, you take a risk (or you don't) and you get feedback on it whether it is positive or negative, it will help develop you as a designer. Don't be shunned by it, take the heat (if there is heat) and use it for what it's worth!

     -Be proactive in advertising. Show your skills off and market your work! Confidence, not cocky is the key, no matter how comfortable you are with your work. Visit Facebook and Twitter and share some photos of your lates work for example. Not enough?  Go to the next step and create a Linkedin profile or go to Weebly or Wix and create an online profile. These are just minimal starters to the possibilities that are out there! Become a brand that is comfortable, marketable and memorable.

2. Maintain a Balance

     -Always think outside the box, but have constraints. Take risks and avoid hesitation if it feels right. However, with saying this, find a sense of balance, and a positive attitude in relation to your skills as a designer. Success doesn't come easily. Yeah, yeah, we've heard all of those cheesy quotes in regards to failing first and eventually succeeding in the end. Well, it's true in the design world in a sense as well. So one of your designs wasn't as successful as intended? Retweek it, recreate it, revise it. Make it something completely different. This is how innovation is recreating. Install imagination by bridging that balance within your attitude, beliefs, values and design work.

3. Learn From Others

    -Although it's encouraged and almost mandatory in today's world to be honest with your work, it's important to learn from others as well. Inspiration assists any designer no matter what stage they are in their career. Inspiration and knowledge is accumulative. You may like a certain picture here, a photo editing tip there, or a typography typesetting composition there. Like I said, the best of the best designers didn't get where they are today by sitting in a room by themselves with no access to the outside world for inspiration. They learn from others while applying their own knowledge and design styles. Learning from others will help you find a creative pulse. Don't isolate yourself, but don't copyright either (because you could go to seriously). Reach out and embrace the beautiful artwork that's out use it to your advantage!

I hope these three inspirational spurts bumped your self esteem up a little! For all of you beginners out there, I've hit a designer's block many, many times...and still do! Don't become discouraged if your not the best, or aren't where you expected to be. Embrace.

Go to this website to check out some amazing inspirational ideas and creations from former designers! The range is endless from typography styles to animation to anything involved with CSS! -->

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