
Monday, March 26, 2012


While looking on the internet for inspiration, I came across this hilarious theory...CRAP. I mean, how much better can get it. This post and it's content is entirely from the Non-Designer's Guerrilla Marketing Guide by Robin Williams. Although this theory is short, it's informational and easy to remember. Plus, has some great points for people to remember when putting together a composition! I thought my viewers would enjoy this! :)


C= Contrast - Contrast draws your eyes to a page, it grabs your visual interest. Ways to create contrast: use two very different typefaces or use two very different line thicknesses or use two very different colors. The trick is to be strong. Don't be a wimp.

R= Repetition - Repeat certain elements throughout the piece. You might repeat colors, textures, typefaces, rules, dingbats, bullets, or graphic style. Repetition serves to unify a design.

A= Alignment - Make sure everything on your page is aligned with some other item on the page. Either line up the baselines, the right edges, the left edges, the tops, or the bottoms. If items are not aligned, then make sure they are really not aligned - don't almost align things. Thus, don't let a photo hang out a quarter-inch-- let it hang a whole inch.

P= Proximity - Refers to the spatial relationships between elements. The designer must keep appropriate items together. Thus, a subhead should be closer to the text below it than to the text above it; a caption should be close to its photograph. Remember that the space between items on a page gives the reader an instant impression of the content, even before the read the text

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