
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Composition is known as the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a 'work of art', as distinct from the subject of a work. In other words? The term means 'putting together', and can apply to any work of art of subject.

There are numerous approaches or techniques to achieving a sense of unity within an artwork, depending on the goals of the artist. For example, a work of art is said to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye if the elements within the work are arranged in a balanced compositional way, but can also be pleasing if something is offset, asymmetrical, or even disruptive.

Why is this relative information? For many reasons. Understanding how to utilize composition is one of the first things a designer should learn and comprehend. It determines what can make a piece of work successful or unsuccessful. If one understands the use and value of composition other aspects of design will come much easier. Design is apparent everywhere. When design is present, the way the subject fills the plane of design is arranged is extremely important and essential to understand.

The purpose and subjects that will be shared in this blog will b e providing hints, tips, and guidance to any audience for making facets of design appealing and successful. These tips are not only based off of individual and personal experience, but also relate to inspirations from outside sources such as text, images and professional pieces from areas of social media, graphic design, advertising, campaigns and other medias.

Make sure to tune in next time for the first topic- Grid Structures!